Sunday, June 29, 2008


預設派護教學 ﹕主要觀念

大師﹕范泰爾 (1895-1987) ﹔薛華; John Frame; Greg Bahnsen等。
Master apologist: Cornelius Van Til (1895-1987); also: Herman Douyeweerd (Calvinistic philosophy/Amsterdam School; Institute of Christian Studies, Toronto, Canada).
Popularizer: Francis Schaeffer, William Edgar ( Interpreters: John Frame (, Greg Bahnsen (, Scott Oliphint (
(Note: Not all popularizers of Van Til’s thought are approved by Van Til as a true interpreter of his ideas.)


彼前I Peter 3:15


- 尊基督為主(聖)。Honor Christ as Lord
- 要說出心中盼望的緣由。Give an answer for hope in you
- 以溫柔,敬畏的態度。With reverence and gentleness

林後II Corinthians 10:4-5

4 我們爭戰的兵器,本不是屬血氣的,乃是在上帝面前有能力,可攻破堅固的營
5 將各樣的計謀,各樣攔阻人認識上帝的那些自高之事,一概攻破了,又將所有

- 我們的武器﹕屬靈,不屬血氣。Our weapons are spiritual, not fleshly
- 對象﹕人心意(思想)中自高、抵擋上帝、攔阻人認識上帝的意念(營壘)。
Our target are the proud thoughts against God
- 爭戰的目的﹕將人的心思奪回。
Our warfare is to capture minds
- 奪回的心思﹕信靠,順服基督。
Our goal is the faith and obedience of minds to Christ.
- 范泰爾的護教學強調揭露出《聖經》的世界觀,和非基督徒的世界觀如何截然不同。
Van Til’s apologetic strategy of antithesis: showing/exposing the radical difference between the Christian and the non-Christian’s worldview.

箴Proverbs 26:4 - 5

4 不要照愚昧人的愚妄話回答他,恐怕你與他一樣。
5 要照愚昧人的愚妄話回答他,免得他自以為有智慧。

- #1: 不要照愚昧人的愚妄話回答他(不要跟他的思想模式、世界觀、預設回答)。Do not answer a fool according to his folly (according to his line of thought).
- 原因﹕恐怕你會像他一樣(跟他的思路、預設)﹕走冤枉路,走錯方向。
Reason: You would be just like him (in his line of thought, presuppositions).
- #2: 要照愚昧人的愚妄回答他(跟著他的思路走)。
Do answer a fool according to his folly (follow his line of thought).
- 原因﹕揭露他的愚妄﹕即他思想背後的世界觀、預設、底牌、心中的堅持。
Reason: To expose his folly – worldview, presuppositions, bottom line, commitments.

羅Romans 1:18-23

18 原來上帝的忿怒,從天上顯明在一切不虔不義的人身上,就是那些行不義阻擋真理的人。
19 上帝的事情,人所能知道的,原顯明在人心裏。因為上帝已經給他們顯明。
20 自從造天地以來,上帝的永能和神性是明明可知的,雖是眼不能見,但藉著所造之物,就可以曉得,叫人無可推諉。
21 因為他們雖然知道上帝,卻不當作神榮耀祂,也不感謝祂,他們的思念變為虛妄,無知的心就昏暗了。
22 自稱為聰明,反成了愚拙,
23 將不能朽壞之上帝的榮耀變為偶像,彷彿必朽壞的人,和飛禽走獸昆蟲的樣

- 人人都認識上帝ALL men/women know God.
- 因上帝在人心中啟示Because God has revealed himself IN all men/women.
- 因上帝在受造物中啟示And God has revealed himself through all his creation.
- 可是人的不義在於阻擋,壓抑這知識But ALL suppress this knowledge.
- 因此人人都不認識(敬拜)上帝;不是因為不知道,乃是因為雖然明明知道,卻壓抑所知道的。Thus all men/women do NOT know God. Not because they do not know, but even though they know, they suppress what they know.
- 不認識上帝(壓抑啟示)之同時,人類敬拜偶像(受造之物,包括自己)。At
the same time that they do not know (worship) God, they worship idols (created things, including themselves).
- 這裏 「知道」有兩個意義﹕第一,上帝的普遍啟示是清晰的,因此人人知道上帝。Two meanings of “know.” #1: Clarity of general revelation: ALL know God.
- 第二,人人因為阻擋真理,因此不按照上帝的約來順服、敬拜、信靠祂。第二種的知道是守約信服 (covenant faith and obedience). #2: All suppressed this knowledge, so ALL do not give God “covenant faith and obedience”

徒Acts 17:16-31

16 保羅在雅典等候他們的時後,看見滿城都是偶像,就心裏著急。
17 於是在會堂裏,與猶太人,和虔敬的人,並每日在市上所遇見的人辯論。
18 還有以彼古羅和斯多亞兩門的學士,與他爭論。有的說,這胡言亂語的要甚
19 他們就把他帶到亞略巴古說,你所講的這新道,我們也可以知道麼。
20 因為你有些奇怪的事,傳到我們耳中。我們願意知道這些事是甚麼意思。
21 雅典人,和住在那裏的客人,都不顧別的事,只將新聞說說聽聽。
22 保羅站在亞略巴古當中,說,眾位雅典人哪,我看你們凡事很敬畏鬼神。
23 我遊行的時候,觀看你們所敬拜的,遇見一座壇,上面寫著未識之神。你們所不認識而敬拜的,我現在告訴你們。
24 創造宇宙和其中萬物的上帝,既是天地的主,就不住人手所造的殿。
26 祂從一本造出萬族的人,(本有古卷作血脈) ,住在全地上,並且豫定準他們的年限,和所住的疆界。
27 要叫他們尋求上帝,或者可以揣摩而得,其實祂離我們各人不遠。
28 我們生活,動作,存留,都在乎祂,就如你們作詩的,有人說,我也是祂所生的。
29 我們既是上帝神所生的,就不當以為上帝的神性像人用手藝,心思,所雕的
30 世人蒙昧無知的時後,上帝並不監察,如今卻吩咐各處的人都要悔改。
31 因為祂已經定了日子,要藉著祂所設立的人,按公義審判天下。並且叫從死裏復活,給萬人作可信的憑據。

- 保羅看見偶像心中煩躁。Paul was disturbed because of idol-worship in Athens.
- 人 / 社會都有宗教性。Paul observed that men (societies) are deeply religious.
- 人所敬拜的,他們並不認識。People worship what they don’t know.
- 可是上帝是可知的。他們所不認識的,保羅現在告訴他們。But God is knowable:
What they don’t know, Paul now declares him to them.
- 上帝是宇宙的創造者。God is creator of universe.
- 因此上帝有權統治宇宙。God is, therefore, rightfully the Lord of the universe.
- 上帝是自足自存的:祂不需要我們,我們的敬拜、殿宇。God’s aseity (self-
existence): he does not need us, our worship, our temples.
- 其實,我們一切所是,所有的(生命、氣息)都是祂所賜的。In fact God supplies
ALL that we are/have: life, breath, very being.
- 上帝從一個祖宗創造人類。God created all cultures/peoples from one ancestor.
- 我們的歷史(年限)與地理(疆界)= 我們的文化 = 上帝所預先定準的。Our
history and geography (= culture) = pre-appointed by God.
- 這個預定的目的﹕我們尋求上帝,而尋見祂。Purpose of this pre-appointment: that we seek God, and find him.
- 上帝要我們棄絕偶像敬拜,悔改,歸向祂!Forsake idol worship, repent, and turn to God!


All people think according to a worldview. The Christian’s worldview comes from the Bible, which declares itself to be God’s revealed truth inspired by God. The Bible has the highest authority for mankind; no other lower authority is qualified to evaluate and judge the Bible. The Bible declares that God is absolutely sovereign, He created the universe, and has revealed himself. Apologetics vindicates and justifies the Bible’s worldview with adequate reasons and evidences. Apologetics confronts the unbeliever’s autonomy, and challenges him to be self-conscious about his worldview. Apologetics shows the unbeliever that unless he adopts the Bible’s worldview, knowledge and morality will not be intelligible.


《聖經》宣稱神創造天地,天地所有的都是祂造的。有一部分預設派認為,神也創造了世上的秩律和人的思念 (如邏輯的定律)。註﹕范泰爾不接受這觀點。荷蘭神學家(兼首相) 凱伯 (Abraham Kuyper) 曾說﹕世界裏沒有一塊地土,耶穌不宣稱﹕這是我的。
Argument: The Bible declares that God created the heavens and the earth; the entire universe was created by God. Some presuppositionalists (e.g. Herman Douyeweerd) believe that God has also created the laws within the structure of the universe, and man’s thoughts (e.g. the laws of logic, such as the law of non-contradiction). Note: Van Til does not agree that God created logic. The Dutch theologian (and one-time Prime Minister around 1900) Abraham Kuyper said, that there is not any territory in this world, of which Christ does not say: “It is mine.”


每一個人都有自己的哲學、世界觀、預設。哲學主要分為形而上學 (metaphysics)、知識論(epistemology)、倫理學(ethics) 三大範圍 (及其他範圍如歷史哲學 (philosophy of history)、美學 (aesthetics)、政治哲學(political philosophy)、科學哲學與社會學 (the philosophy and sociology of science)等)。
Every person has his own philosophy (worldview, presupposition). There are three major areas of inquiry in philosophy: metaphysics (the study of being), epistemology (why/how we know what we know), and ethics (the study of right). (There are other areas of inquiry, such as the philosophy of history, aesthetics (the study of beauty), political philosophy, the philosophy and sociology of science, etc.)

1. 形而上學 Metaphysics :
宇宙是甚麼(宇宙觀)What is the universe? (world view)

For the Christian: creation, theism (one God).
非信徒﹕(可能) 進化論、唯物論、無神論或不可知論、印度教與佛教宇宙觀等。
For the non-Christian: (possibly) evolutionism, materialism (only matter exists), atheism (no God), or agnosticism (it is not possible to know whether God exists), or the worldviews of Hinduism or Buddhism.

2. 知識論 Epistemology:
我所知的為何知 。How (why) do I know what I know?

徹底的基督教知識論﹕神的啟示﹕普遍啟示 + 《聖經》。
A consistently Christian epistemology: God has revealed himself. General revelation + the Bible (special revelation).

理性主義﹕人的理性決定甚麼是真理 。
The epistemology of rationalism: man’s reason decides what is truth.
世俗科學主義/實驗主義﹕真理乃五官能察驗的東西 (知道事物的外表,而不能知道事物的本質) 。
The epistemology of secular science (scientism) or empiricism: truth is what can be discerned through sense perception (scientific experimentation). Empiricism concedes that: what we know, is only the outward appearance of things, not the essence of things.

3. 倫理學 Ethics﹕
是非的標則The principles of right and wrong.

Christian ethics: God’s law is the foundation/norm.

非基督教:相對倫理 (situation ethics)﹔實用主義 (utilitarianism) ﹔人文主義,如儒家、西方人文主義 (humanism) 等。
Norms for non-Christian ethics: situation ethics; utilitarianism (whatever is good for the most number of people); humanism, such as: Confucianism; western humanism.

Evidence: God’s general revelation, and his special revelation (truths revealed in Scripture) provide ample evidence to support the Christian’s faith (worldview). All men know God, but all men suppresses this truth.
General revelation is the presupposition of special revelation, and vice versa.

所謂赤裸(孤存)的事實BRUTE FACT

There is no such thing as a “brute fact,” because all creatures, objects and facts are revelational; the entire universe was created by God, thus pre-interpreted by God.


基督徒與非基督徒的接觸點乃是﹕我們都是上帝按照自己的形象造的。我們不可以企圖建立一個所謂中立的地帶,因為這樣做等於宣稱﹕在這地段,基督的主權不生效!這些所謂中立地帶包括﹕邏輯、理性、科學、考古學等。The Christian’s point of contact with the non-Christian is the fact that all of us are created in the image of God. We do not pretend to construct some “neutral ground” where the Lordship of Christ does not reign, e.g.: the neutral ground of logic, reason, science, or archaeology.


The non-Christian makes himself (his mind/reason, or his experience/science) his ultimate standard for truth and knowledge. Thus a non-Christian is autonomous from God; his worldview reflects this autonomy.


基督徒的世界觀是具體的;上帝是自主自足的(全權的主),上帝計劃了永恆的計劃,並且在時間空間中啟示了自己。因此我們可以認識祂,認識自己、他人和宇宙。非基督徒,因為他的自主,只可能建立一些抽象(不乎合現實)的共相(絕對),例如﹕柏拉圖的理念(形式)、康德的(在彼岸的)真相等。非基督徒的殊相也是抽象,不乎合現實的﹕柏拉圖的物質、現代人的所謂事實、存在主義者的無有等。 A Christian has a concrete worldview: God is self-sufficient (aseity), he planned an eternal plan, he has revealed himself, thus knowledge is possible. We can know God, know ourselves, others, and the universe. The non-Christian, because of his autonomy, can only construct abstract universals – Plato’s “ideas/forms,” Kant’s “noumenal,” etc. The non-Christian concept of “particular” is abstract: it degenerates into Plato/Aristotle’s “matter,” modern man’s “brute fact,” or existentialism’s “nothing.”


不信三位一體上帝的世界觀﹕抽象的共相 + 抽象的殊相。God is one and three; thus the Trinity solves the one-and-many problem. The alternative worldview: abstract universals and abstract particulars.

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